Friday, September 4, 2015

New·fan·gled /ˌn(y)o͞oˈfaNGɡəld/

On Saturday, September 12, Francis and I attend orientation with the Los Angeles County Department of Children & Family Services to begin the adoption process. The day also happens to be Francis' 38th birthday. Yep, he'll be 40-years-old (soon), which is yet another reason why we've decided to make this important leap into adoption. The operative word here is "yet" - because we've asked ourselves the same questions and have answered them a hundred thousand different ways, and we realize we're getting old and we've hesitantly thought about attending our child's high school graduation hunched over, gray hairs spread across our foreheads, cane in tow. And how awesome will it be to go down this road together on your birthday - the one day that celebrates life and love! Enough about picking on Francis, heck, I'm only a year (and a half) behind him. The point is, Francis and I are thrilled to start the process and we can't think of a better time to do it.

"Newfangled Kin" is meant to be our sounding board, a place to post about every step of the process and a place for us to write about how and what we're feeling (violin strings and all). It'll be a place where, crossing fingers, our child will be able to look back at as a reminder that she (or he) was brought into our lives (and vice versa) out of the purest form of Love. Plain and simple as that. In Los Angeles County alone, there are 40,000 kids that need families. If you think about it, that's basically the entire seating capacity at the Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum times two! That's a lot of kids! They are kids who need direction, need a mentor, need consistent meals, need their own rooms, their own clothes, all the luxuries that Francis and I have been blessed with on this earth. That's why we're doing it!

We'll post on NK together or separately, as a written response or a photo collage, and with no abandon. We hope you'll stick around for the ride, that you'll be inspired to do the same or foster a child yourself, or that you'll try harder to Love your own family every single day.

Thanks for reading! -FR

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