Saturday, January 7, 2012

Your Dinner Guest

So I figured out the secret to making amazing Filipino food: eating it with amazing Filipino people! You don't have to be deeply rooted in the Filipino culture to cook the best-tasting Filipino dish, what you DO have to be grounded in is the company you sit at the table with.

It's like this - you'd much rather sit across from someone at the dinner table who knows exactly what it takes to prep a meal that requires oxtail pressurized just right so that the natural juices require the cook to add ingredients in perfect timing order for the garnish to sit comfortably on a dish before we dig deep into it. PHEW!

Or simpler - believe me...I KNOW!

Next time you sit down at a Filipino meal, think about who's sitting across from you. It could mean the difference between alright-karekare and amAHzing-karekare.

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