Saturday, June 11, 2011

Bad News Is Good News

I learn something new about my father every single day. 

(left) An image of my dad when he was a youth back in Solsona, Philippines. *Now I know why my hair curls up whenever I grow it longer than 2 inches.

(right) The ONLY image of my paternal grandfather I have ever seen. He is walking his daughter, from his second wife, down the aisle. 

My grandfather remains a mystery. The only stories I've heard of him have consistently been rooted in pure evil. I've only got these stories to link me back to my dad's childhood so I'll take what I can get - my dad's parents passed away when he was young. And every time I ask my Aunt Edith to tell me a story about my paternal grandparents, she always hushes me up and tells me: "You don't need to know." 

But I do.

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