Thursday, May 26, 2011

The Signs

There amidst the evergreens a sign
Warning wanderers to go some other way.
"This road is not for those who will not stay--
Thoroughfare was never the design!
This is a place of quietness and rest,
A place for sleeping, and for hearts grown cold,
For rigid thoughts endoctrined in some mold;
Who enters here must seek the static as the best!"

O would this empty street be filled again!
O would these bones could live and dance again
As bodies, minds, and souls, set forth somewhere!
O you who see this sign, pray it may go--
And all it represents; and later, lo
This path can be the broadest thoroughfare.

The "signs" above were taken from post-it notes tagged to walls in my parents' home:

(top) a reminder for my dad of general weekly happenings in/around the neighborhood
(middle) it's so weird how things seem to slip away so quickly; another dad "sign"
(bottom) a retirement contact for my mother who is at a crossroads in her career; should she continue contributing to that retirement fund or does she begin an unchartered pathway.

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