A) Choose one person to stand on platform, preferably no higher than 3 ft. He or she will be called the trust subject. This person shall stand with heels on the edge of the platform facing backwards from the remaining participants.
B) The remaining participant(s), the catcher, receiver, the trusted, will stand on surface level facing the trust subject.
C) When prompted to do so by the receiver(s), the trust subject shall fall gently backwards to the waiting arms of the receiver.
D) Purpose: To find out if the trust subject absolutely trusts the receiver(s) who have been trusted to catch them.
* Signs to watch: flinching, looking back, bending of the back, not being able to fall and becaught.
* Other signs to watch: falling with finesse with no question, concern or fail.
I will admit, I flinched when I stood on that platform as of recent - was brought back to a familiar uncomfortable feeling. Does it necessarily mean I didn't trust the receiver? Nope.
You flinch because right before you fall backwards you have to look into the eyes of the person catching you. Last night, I forgot to look into their eyes, to see their true soul.
From here on out, eye to eye, you and me / me and you.
We need to learn that we cannot really do this life alone.